Bowhunter Education Course Scheduled at Billings Rod and Gun Club

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has scheduled an in-person Bowhunter Education course at the Billings Rod and Gun Club from May 17-19. Online registration is open until Friday, May 10.

Bowhunter Education courses cover basic information on archery equipment, the proper uses of a bow and arrow, proper shot placement, hunter ethics and the skills needed for blood trailing. To purchase a Montana bow-and-arrow license, a hunter must complete a certified Bowhunter Education course or show any prior year’s bowhunting license from any state or Canadian province.

After registering, students must pick up their course manuals at the Billings FWP office located at 2300 Lake Elmo Dr. by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 10.

Bowhunter Education courses are taught by certified volunteer instructors and are free of charge. Students must be at least 11 years old to participate in a Bowhunter Education course.

Register online here:

For more information on the Bowhunter Education program, visit:

Press Release
Author: Press Release

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