State of Montana Opens Property Tax Rebate Claims, File Now!

On Wednesday, the Montana Department of Revenue began accepting property tax rebate claims. Montana homeowners may claim up to $675 on their primary residence. Claims must be made by October 1st, 2024. You can file your claim online by visiting and paper forms are available from the Department of Revenue Offices, your financial adviser.

Tonya W, from Regal Accounting here in Great Falls, pointed out that many people failed to claim their rebates last year. If you need help filing your claim, contact a financial professional and ensure you receive the money the state owes you because of House Bills 222 and 816.

Andy Anderson
Author: Andy Anderson

Andy is publisher of Foxys Publishing Co, as well as pressman, ad sales, distribution and sometime janitor. He occasionally makes a wild attempt at writing but quite often is seen running around our offices trying to "Get 39 million things done today..."

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About Andy Anderson

Andy is publisher of Foxys Publishing Co, as well as pressman, ad sales, distribution and sometime janitor. He occasionally makes a wild attempt at writing but quite often is seen running around our offices trying to "Get 39 million things done today..."

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